Top 3 money earning apps 2021
Hi I’m Ahsan welcome to my blog. In this paper I am going to be a little bit different to normal it's still going to help you make the most from your money but to do it I’ve been joined by some other bloggers who are part of my uk money bloggers community basically something that I set up about five or six years ago for bloggers, podcasters basically those people who are as geeky and passionate about helping you with your money as I am to kind of work together and help each other and share our experiences so what we're doing right now there are three different articles that we're producing as a group across three different blogs . It’s about helping you find the TOP MONEY MAKING APP IN 2021. So in a moment I’ll share with you my TOP MONEY-MAKING APPS.
My first favorite APP TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE is called user testing this is an app which allows you to conduct user tests and they also have a desktop version with even more tests available to do I easily make about 50 to 60 pounds a month through minimal effort the way that it works is you go through screener questions and They’re not the kinds that you get through normal survey sites where you do you know 10 15 questions and then you get frustrated because you didn't get accepted these are about three questions which are literally tick box exercises and then it tells you whether you've been accepted or not once you get through the tests take about 10 minutes there are some that are quicker some that are longer but on average I found that each one takes me about 10 minutes to complete.
I get a payout of ten dollars after completion exactly seven days after completing the test now I think ten dollars for ten minutes of work is pretty decent i don't know about you the kind of tests that you end up doing are really varied so you could have things like just checking how nice a website looks or just giving your first thoughts on looking at a website it might be using an app and telling them what you think it might be chatting to someone for 30 minutes in which case you will get paid 30 for your time they also have a desktop version and they do have way more tests on the desktop but for me the app is great because sometimes I’ll be lying in bed flicking through the app and just do a quick 10 minutes before i go to bed and have that extra 10 dollars in my pocket
This is going to be the app that I’m going to be using in 2021 to make money now in my article I talk about investing trying to break it down super fight for first-time investors so you can make an informed decision the app that I’m going to be using is one that I’ve used throughout this year and it's one that i will continue to use in is an Investing app the app is called trading 212. It’s available on iPhone it's also available on android so if you go onto the app store and you search trading212 you'll be able to download it there now because it is an investment app there are no guarantees and there are investment risks so it's really important that you understand exactly what you're doing when you download this app.
how I’ll be using this app to make money so for me I will be using trading 212 to buy stocks in certain companies that pay dividends so a dividend is essentially when a company pays its shareholders from the profits that they generate on a yearly basis now this year has been very challenging in terms of profits for many companies however I’m not talking about may be starting companies or growing companies I’m talking more established companies so think of the likes of Coca-Cola think of the likes of john Johnson and Johnson pop to and gamble caterpillar really big companies that have been around for a very long time and by buying stocks in those companies putting a little bit of money into those companies when they paid dividends on a quarterly basis you also get a payment as a shareholder now like i said you kind of have to know how you're going to pick these companies you have to be able to identify these companies it is a great way for you to invest a little bit of money and actually get a passive income off the back of that investment now you do need some capital to invest so if you have some money lying around this is perfect for you but even if you are just starting out you wanted to be able to build a passive income very slowly this is a great way for you to be able to do that so I’ve used it this year it served me well that's what i will be using come 2021 and i hope that you'll find it useful as well.
The NEXT MONEY APP FOR 2021 so I wanted to cover the receipt apps I think they're really great way of earning a little bit of extra money kind of to fund those little treats throughout the year when maybe you're struggling a little bit and you just think I just want to just want a little treat these might be the way so you can get those all you need to do with these apps is once you come home from your shopping trip take a photo of your receipt and then usually answer an odd question.
it's normally something like rate this shopping trip out of 10 or who paid for this shopping trip it's pretty easy and sometimes they're a little extra bonus surveys and stuff which will gain you a few extra points on these apps you build up your points they usually pay you in such terms for your receipt within about 48 hours and once you hit certain thresholds it's different depending on the app then you can redeem a certain amount usually around five pound and exchange it for either amazon vouchers some of them are PayPal some of them even do love to shop on iTunes too it depends on the particular app that you're going to be using there's three that i personally use and i recommend and they are shops stove rewards or store boards however you want to say it and shop price uk those are three that I use and are a great way of earning a little bit of extra money throughout the year where maybe we might all be struggling a little bit.
I hope these three applications will help you in earning money in 2021.GOOD LUCK!
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